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Many of us (writer included) spent tons of summer days picking up and hauling bales on the farm. While round bales at least had the benefit of using a tractor and spear to load - as opposed to your arms - it still turned into a time consuming process of driving all over the field to bring everything together. But in today's world, we're all focused on efficiency - enter the Plus2 Round Bale Accumulators.

So what is an accumulator? Exactly what it sounds like! Think of it as a transportation rack on the rear of your round baler, allowing to you to haul 2 bales while making a 3rd. Once the 3rd bale is done, drop all 3 at the same location in the field. While it may not seem like much, using this method can reduce your time spent picking up bales by up to 50%!

More efficient time is great, but these accumulators also do something to help your bottom line. With less wheel traffic, your damage and regrowth losses will fall, meaning you'll reap the benefits of better hay yields.

As with all things green and gold, these accumulators were designed with the operator in mind. That's why you'll notice they're able to be transported at the same width as the baler and are completely integrated for great maneuverability - and that includes moving in reverse.

Want to learn more or test one out? Give us a call today to schedule a demo!



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